Vera Therapeutics

Our Science


  • Novel biologic investigational therapeutic: recombinant fusion protein containing the soluble TACI receptor that binds to the cytokines BAFF and APRIL, members of the tumor necrosis factor family that stimulate B cells and plasma cells to produce autoantibodies associated with IgA nephropathy (IgAN)1 and lupus nephritis (LN)2
  • Well-tolerated safety profile in clinical studies including >1,500 patients across multiple indications3
  • Self-administered once weekly by 1-mL subcutaneous injection
  • Vera holds an exclusive worldwide license for the development and commercialization of atacicept in all indications from Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, a leading science and technology company

BAFF = B-cell activating factor; APRIL = A proliferation-inducing ligand; TACI = transmembrane activator and CAML interactor.

1Macpherson AJ, et al. Mucosal Immunol 2008; 2Dillon SR, et al. Arthritis Res Ther 2010; 3Gordon C, et al. Rheumatol Adv Pract 2019 and data on file.

Lupus Nephritis (LN)

Severe renal manifestation of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).

Approximately 25% of LN patients develop end stage renal disease.

Current treatment involves combination immunosuppressants and steroids.

Recently approved therapies, yet unmet need for effective and safe therapies remain.

Target the Source

Click the pathways below to see how Atacicept acts on LN Pathophysiology

Steps that Atacicept targets Cytokine Abnormalities Patients with systemic lupus erythematosus may have higher levels of BAFF and APRIL, contributing to the pathogenesis of lupus nephritis 1 Heterotrimer BAFF BAFF BAFF APRIL APRIL APRIL Heterotrimer BAFF BAFF APRIL Heterotrimer BAFF Heterotrimer Glomerulonephritis 4 Autoantibodies and immune complexes deposit in glomeruli Glomerulus Imma t u r e B - cells s urvi v e and ma t u r e 2a B - cells di f f e r entia t e and cla s s swi t ch 2b Pla s ma cells p r oli f e r a t e and c r ea t e au t oantibodies 2c A u t oantibodies ci r cula t e and f orm im m une compl ex es 2d B-Cell Dysregulation BAFF and APRIL promote the survival, maturation and differentiation of B cells and plasma cells that then produce disease-causing antinuclear and anti-DNA autoantibodies 2 B cell B cell
Steps that Atacicept targets Cytokine Abnormalities Patients with systemic lupus erythematosus may have higher levels of BAFF and APRIL, contributing to the pathogenesis of lupus nephritis 1 Heterotrimer BAFF BAFF BAFF APRIL APRIL APRIL Heterotrimer BAFF BAFF APRIL Heterotrimer BAFF Heterotrimer Glomerulonephritis 4 Autoantibodies and immune complexes deposit in glomeruli Glomerulus B-Cell Dysregulation BAFF and APRIL promote the survival, maturation and differentiation of B cells and plasma cells that then produce disease-causing antinuclear and anti-DNA autoantibodies 2 B cell B cell

Atacicept blocks BAFF, a factor important for immature B cell survival and maturation, resulting in reduced numbers of disease-causing B cells.


Atacicept also blocks APRIL, which – in combination with BAFF – is important for mature B cell survival, reducing the number of disease-causing plasma cells.


Reductions in B cells and plasma cells work together to cause a reduction in autoantibodies.


Ultimately fewer antibodies, autoantibodies, and immune complexes reduce disease activity.

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