Vera Therapeutics

Our Commitment to Sustainability

Improving patients’ lives with integrity and intention

Vera is committed to a sustainable, equitable, and resilient future. The decisions we make today will steer us in a direction that maximizes our positive impact on society.

To develop a responsible business strategy that aligns with the values important to our stakeholders, we conducted our first sustainability materiality assessment in 2023.

We partnered with an external sustainability expert to engage both internal and external stakeholders, including contract research organizations, patient advocacy groups, and our peers, to identify and prioritize initiatives that will shape our growth and help us continue operating with integrity and intention. We will use the insights from this assessment to develop key annual metrics and goals that reflect our commitment to our treatments, our people, and our communities.

Our Treatments

Patients are our top priority.

We consider our patients’ needs at every step in our quest to bring potentially transformative treatments to the people who need them.

Our clinical trials follow rigorous standards to ensure the safety and privacy of participants.

We’re committed to recruiting a diverse population of investigators and participants that reflects the patients we aim to help.

We strive for integrity and transparency in our communication of data and information to all stakeholders to support informed decision making.

We’re honored to partner with advocacy groups that can provide insights to help us put the needs of the patient first.

As we move towards bringing our potential treatments to market, we’re continuously calibrating our manufacturing and supply plans to ensure the highest quality and reliability.

We’re taking steps now to build a sustainable platform for the delivery of medicine that is safe, affordable, and accessible.

Collage of people doing various activities together - drinking beer, going kayaking, etc

Our People

We’re proud of Team Vera’s diverse and welcoming culture where individuals feel respected, valued, and engaged.

We believe that innovation and excellence can only be fostered in a workforce enriched by diverse backgrounds and perspectives. Our goal is to not only hire diverse talent, but also welcome these talented individuals into an environment where they can thrive.

To hold ourselves accountable and integrate our values across the company, we have established the Vera Culture Club. Members of the Culture Club develop initiatives, set goals and keep all accountable to foster a respectful and vibrant work environment and support equitable representation.

Our diversity, inclusion, and belonging efforts reflect an ongoing journey that requires continuous assessment and adaptability, and every member of Team Vera is committed to this process.

Visit our Careers page to learn more about working at Vera!

Our Community

We hold ourselves and our partners to standards that aim to have a net positive impact on our communities and their surroundings.

group of 15 or so people at a beach holding bags of trash and smiling at the camera
Team Vera cleaning up Rockaway Beach, CA

We’re mindful of sustainability in every decision we make. At our current stage, that means:

Minimizing our collective commute time and environmental impact with a flexible hybrid work environment
Helping our physical community through volunteer efforts
Stocking our kitchens with local foods, compostable supplies, sustainable packaging and appropriate waste bins
Choosing vendors and suppliers who share these values

As Vera grows, we’re preparing for the added responsibility that comes with a larger operational footprint. Our business strategy will proactively incorporate sustainability goals to ensure we accomplish our mission of improving patients’ lives in a responsible manner.

Ethics and Integrity

Our actions as a company and as individuals are guided by our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and our Employee Handbook. All new employees are trained in the principles outlined in these documents. We hold our partners and external stakeholders to the same ethical standard as our own employees.

Check back here for updates as we develop our strategy for responsible and sustainable business!

For more information, reach out to
